Monday 28 November 2011

Lorna Loves - Trend Forcasting Unit at UCA

I have recently handed in my first unit of work from the second year, which was called fashion forcasting and trend prediction. We were asked to do a thorough PESTEL analysis (political, enviromental, social, technological, economical and legal) and come up with three trends for either SS12/13 or AW12/13.

My first trend that I predicted was one inspired by Doris Day of whom released her new album at the age of 87 after leaving the lime light in 1973. Doris, whose first hit was 1945's "Sentimental Journey," caused her transition from big band singer to movie star, during the 1950s and '60s. This was the inspiration behind the 'Styles of a Summers Night' trend (twist on a movie title from the 50s)

Second trend revived the hippy movement, and at the time of this project Amanda Knox had just been released from prison after her murder investigation. This made me think about what she would be thinking during that point and what the first thing she would do when she made it back home. The only word I could think of was freedom.

James Bond's new feature film 'Bond 23 - SKYFALL' is due to be reeased in 2012 and I just couldn't help myself but to give men a chance to live their fantasy of feeling like Bond.  'Shaken not Stirred' trend represents this with a twist on the every day office suit.

1 comment:

  1. wow you're really talented- great predictions too!
